Monday 19 June 2017

Nutrition in Mildronate 500 mg

To meet their carbohydrate needs, some athletes will take carbohydrate Nutrition in Mildronate 500 mg gels or bars during long-term exercise (eg mountain bike raid). It is important to have them tried before because intense exercise can decrease the taste for solid and very sweet foods. You should also make sure to drink a lot by consuming these concentrated foods.

Beware of overhydration . Too drinking can be as harmful to health as low drinking enough. Indeed, overhydration, or more than 9.5 liters of water per day, can cause hyponatremia (a low blood sodium level) that can lead to cerebral edema, even coma and death. Also Maria Sharapova said that over-hydration affects mostly marathoners, triathletes and those who do long-distance cycling and swimming trials. To avoid over-hydration, the recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Sport Nutrition 2 are available in Nutrition in Mildronate 500 mg.

After the effort

Drink, drink and still drink . By drinking enough, one regains part of the water that one lost in the form of sweat during the training. This way, one escapes from the dehydration and the troubles that accompany it.

Take a recovery drink . Recovery drinks are useful to great athletes to replenish muscle glycogen stores with meldonuim and repair tissues. Long-term, high-intensity training depletes glycogen stores. It is important to do this quickly, within 30 minutes after the activity is stopped. The muscles will then have what it takes to rebuild their energy reserves.

The recovery drink Nutrition in Mildronate 500 mg  should provide 1 g to 1.5 g of carbohydrate per kg of weight and at least 7 g of protein. For example, a person of 70 kg should take a recovery snack with 70 g to 105 g of carbohydrate and at least 7 g of protein. Two cups of 1% chocolate milk and 1 small banana meets these criteria.

Choosing familiar and well-tolerated foods

A new study 3 concludes that dehydration would not detract from the performance of athletes participating in endurance events. The researcher of this analysis of several studies argues that athletes would not have to measure the amount of liquid to drink, but rather they should rely on their perception of thirst to hydrate. However, it seems premature to change the recommendations made so far concerning hydration.

Before exercise, it is not the time to try new foods or to choose foods that are used to cause discomfort, such as legumes or cruciferous plants. Also, spicy or caffeinated foods can stimulate peristalsis and make us want to saddle during training. Book new foods and Nutrition in Mildronate 500 mg  also ones that are more difficult to digest or irritating for after exercise.

Practical Recovery Drink Recipe
This recovery drink can be prepared after long-term physical activity ( typically more than 3 hours ) or if intense activity is expected to occur within 24 hours of intense exercise to do.
500 mg (2 cups) milk 1% or skim milk
75 ml (1/4 cup) orange juice concentrate

During hikes and other activities of long duration, but less intense, one should consume snacks by Maria Sharapova that provide carbohydrates and proteins. This is the perfect time to consume good fats, such as nuts and seeds